Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

We have words....

Naison is getting very good at saying some words. I will try to do better to get them on video. His favorite word to say is "hot". Of course he says "da da" and not "ma ma" but we are working on it. Some of his other words are: out, ouch, cookie, dog, Max (but he says Dax cause he can't make the m sound yet), eyes (pronounced eeeys since my mom taught him to say it in southern), and water. Most of the time these words are only said after we say them, not on his own, but he really loves to repeat words and use his voice. The only one he says on his own is hot and he totally uses it at the wrong time. I think he just likes to say it!
He is also getting very good at walking and I think I caught him trying to run today! Look out world here Naison comes!


  1. Hot!!! His hot is so cute!!! :) Cute pic of baby Naison too!

  2. I love that last picture. Looks like he is ready to take over the world with his super powers. All he needs ia a little cape :)
