Kian had his 15 month check up and Nais had his 3 year check up right around the same time so I will combine them....Here are there stats:
Kian was 29.2lbs-94th%, 34.5 in-100%....just to compare Nais at 15months was 26lbs-73%, 32in-75%.
So, both of the boys were growing nicely, just Kian is a little bigger at this stage. He is so super cute these days. He runs really fast and his whole face shakes when he does. He is starting to say a few words. His favorite words are apple, bubble, papa, please, no, and mama. I feel like he is growing up faster than Naison did. Every day he is doing something new.
Here is Kian at 15 months.
Here is Naison at 15 months and Kian at 15 months:
Naison at 3 years was 34lbs- 60th%, 37in-50th%. So Naison has slowed his growing down a touch but he is very healthy and happy. I do see why they say the 3's are worse than the 2's though. He can throw some temper tantrums for sure. He is very sweet most of the time though. He loves to read, play outside, and eat popsicles. He is totally potty trained, which is so nice not to be changing all those diapers.
Here is Nais at 3 years.
I love, love, love my boys so much!